Leader of Work Package 7

Dr. Randi Wærdahl

Senior Researcher & Leader of Childhood, Family and Gender Research Group

Randi Wærdahl (1963) is a Sociologist and Senior Researcher at Agder Research. She has held positions as research fellow and post.doc fellow at Department of Sociology and Human Geography, as well as held positions relating to child research or research on culture and values both at the Faculty of Social Science and the Faculty of  Theology and Faculty of Education  –  all University of Oslo.  Wærdahl has worked on many international projects on  childhood in Eastern  Europe, Latin America, Middle-East and South-East Asia, during her 4 and a half year as director of the CWI (Childwatch International Research Network).  She has two  periods abroad as visiting scholar, one at Northwestern University, Illinois, USA and the other as an associate researcher at CYCRC (China Youth and Children Research Center); China Youth University of Political Science, Beijing, China. She has also held positions at INAS (Institute of Applied Social Research), UNGforsk (Centre for Youth Research) and SIFO (National Institute of Consumer Research). As former chair of  the  Norwegian  Sociological  Association  and  also  former  President  of  the  Nordic  SociologicalAssociation, Wærdahl also has a wide national, Nordic  and international  network, including experiences in editing and managing both national and international scientific journals.

Research interests:Family policy and children

Research affiliations:Agderforskning, University of Oslo

Selected relevant publications:

  • Haldar,  Marit;  Rueda,  Erendira;  Wærdahl,  Randi;  Mitchell,  Claudia;  Geldenhuys,  Johanna.  (2013), Where are the children? Exploring the boundaries between text and context in the study of place and space in four different countries. Children & Society. doi: 10.1111/chso.12017
  • Lidén Hilde; Wærdahl, Randi. (2013).  The  ambiguous status of unaccompanied minors between 15–18  years  old  seeking  asylum  in  Norway.  In  Elli  Heikkilä  &  Ismo  Söderling  (eds.):  Siirtolaisuus Migration, Supplement, Yksin tulleet pakolaislapset, Unaccompanied refugee minors, 47-53. Institute of  Migration,  Vammalan  kirjapaino  Oy,  Turku,  Finland Wærdahl,  Randi;  Haldar,  Marit.  (2012) ‘Socializing relations in the everyday lives of children. Comparing domestic texts from Norway and China'. Childhood, Sage publications, online first: 2012
  • Wærdahl,  Randi;  Kalmus,  Veronika;  Keller,  Margit.  (2011).  'Consumer  Socialisation  and  Value Orientations  among Estonian and Chinese Young People'.  Children & Society 2011; Volume 25. (2), s. 127-138, Blackwell Publishing, (online first: 2009).
  • Haldar, Marit; Wærdahl, Randi. (2009)  ‘Teddy Diaries: A Method for Studying the Display of Family Life'. Sociology 2009 ;Volum 43.(6) s. 1141-1150

Contact:E-mail: randi.wardahl@agderforskning.no,  Mob: (+47) 990 20 381


Projekt finansowany ze środków funduszy norweskich, w ramach programu Polsko-Norweska Współpraca Badawcza realizowanego przez Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju.